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Charlie, David, and the Garden Hose

by Peggy Daly Pizzo
July/August 2014
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/charlie-david-and-the-garden-hose/5021844/


Yolanda enters the classroom to observe. She watches as Charlie and David both dash to the sand area and simultaneously grab the garden hose.

Yolanda leaves the classroom deciding to get together briefly with Brenda
and Teaching Assistant Cho Hee at the end of each school day. From past ­experience she knows she will:

• listen carefully to Brenda as she describes her perspective on the ­situation and her frustrations (Bruno, 2008).

• suggest specific research-based approaches for Brenda to try (e.g. ­telling each boy that he needs to develop ‘a plan’ for sharing).

• encourage Teaching Assistant Cho Hee to recommend strategies that have helped in the past with similar children and situations.

• provide more information about the boys’ home backgrounds.

• suggest ways of enhancing family engagement.

That evening Yolanda suggests that both teachers reflect on why learning to share is so hard for children. Drawing on a master’s level course that she is taking, Yolanda shares with Brenda some of the newest research on self-regulation and executive function �" which is highly related to learning to share. As Brenda enthusiastically joins in, Yolanda listens deeply (see sidebar).

Self-Regulation and Executive Function

Self-regulation and executive function are built on a strong teacher-child ...

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