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Changes in the Environment Through Collaboration

by Jane Cecil, Kimberly Cothran, and Lynn White
September/October 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/changes-in-the-environment-through-collaboration/5014747/

As two distinct groups of people with a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, we looked closely at collaboration through a study of space within the environment. We planned to uncover the why of space and the possibilities. By telling our stories, exchanging ideas, and having shared experiences, we examined the motivation behind creating and recreating space, studied how we are influenced to make changes in our environment, and made plans for possible changes at Greeley and Chicago Commons.

Our committee consisted of teachers and parents from the Winnetka Public Schools and staff from Chicago Commons. In May 2000, our diverse groups came together to reflect on what we know about environments and to study the role of the environment and how it impacts children's learning. Although one group came from the affluent suburbs and the other came from the inner city, we shared a common goal of using collaboration as a means to provide environments that can enrich the lives of children.

The Winnetka Public Schools, north of Chicago, have a long tradition of leadership in progressive public education. Strong support of education by Winnetka residents dates back to 1859 when the first public school building was purchased by private funds. Extensive ...

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