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Change and Be Changed: How the World Forum Conference Contributes to Early Care

by Karen Foster-Jorgensen
September/October 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/change-and-be-changed-how-the-world-forum-conference-contributes-to-early-care/5027386/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.


The concept of a “Forum” has a very special meaning! A gathering where ideas and innovation are widely shared, where all the participants both give and receive. Everyone is an “expert”, every participant brings a unique and valuable experience and perspective. Why does this matter? At the World Forum on Early Care and Education, almost half of the participants present on panels with their colleagues, and everyone contributes to discussions that are an integral part of each panel “presentation”, which is lead by contributors from a variety of countries with diverse early education programs and perspectives. Rounding out the Forum are plenary sessions each day shining light on innovation and unique solutions demonstrated by World Forum members from all parts of the global community.

At each World Forum, a group of dedicated “WoFo-ers” arrive who have participated in many Forums since the first in Hawaii in 2001. Just as importantly, each Forum brings inquisitive new “Wofo-ers” who experience and contribute to their first World Forum. The expression, “Change and Be Changed” is often heard around WoFo and it is more than just a promotional line. These words were pivotal to Bonnie and ...

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