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Caring for the Little Ones - Transitional Objects: A Little Comfort From Home

by Karen Miller
November/December 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/caring-for-the-little-ones-transitional-objects-a-little-comfort-from-home/5013667/

Little Marjorie clutches her special dolly close to her as she faces the new day in your program. You can almost see her draw strength and courage out of that piece of cotton and polyester fiberfill. You get a frantic call from parents at 8:30 pm. Jamal left his "blankie" at the center and he can't possibly go to sleep without it. Theodore, who has been playing busily all morning, suddenly panics when he realizes he is out of arm's reach of his bear. Calm is restored when you tell him it is in his cubby and he can get it if he needs it. These are all common scenarios for people who work with older infants and toddlers.

Transitional objects seem to take hold at the end of the infant year, when children are starting to walk and have two hands free for hauling things while they explore. These objects take on all different forms. Often it is the classic blanket, sometimes worn to shreds. Or it might be a stuffed animal or doll, threadbare from so much loving. Sometimes the object carries with it a particular smell, comforting to the child, dubious to the rest of us, and the toddler ...

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