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Caring for the Little Ones - Taming the Green-Eyed Monster

by Karen Miller
July/August 1997
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/caring-for-the-little-ones-taming-the-green-eyed-monster/5011684/

Lottie, infant teacher and primary caregiver for 10 month old Justin, was enjoying a new baby in her care. She held little Stacie close, cooed to her, and enjoyed seeing the responsive facial expressions as she fed Stacie her bottle. However, this tranquil scene was marred by a totally miserable Justin who was whimpering, tugging at Lottie's legs, trying to push at Stacie and climb onto Lottie's lap.

While Lottie had empathy for Justin's unhappiness, she also felt strongly that the new baby needed her undivided attention in this bonding process. She smiled at Justin, petted his head, and said, "Yes, I know, Justin, it's hard for you to see me holding Stacie. But Stacie needs me now. I will play with you when she is through with her bottle."

Lottie's co-worker noticed the situation and was able to divert Justin with a toy. When Stacie was settled and Lottie was free, Justin climbed on her lap, huddled into her shoulder, and sucked his thumb while she rocked and snuggled him.

Infant and toddler staff often list this as one of their more difficult situations. There has been much coaching on the importance of being responsive to babies. The caregiver feels she does not ...

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