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Caring for the Little Ones - Music and Babies

by Karen Miller
May/June 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/caring-for-the-little-ones-music-and-babies/5013973/

One of the great things about working with infants and toddlers is that you are exposed to the elements of being human . . . the things that all human beings have in common. As children get older, the culture surrounding them differentiates them more and more; but children under three, "people without the shell" as I like to call them, behave in fairly predictable ways. Nowhere do we see this more clearly than with music.

When a very young child hears lively music, she'll stop and move her body from side to side in that endearing baby dance. It's a basic body response to rhythm and music. Children all over the world do this! They don't seem to be copying adult behavior. Something inside of them requires that they move in this way.

Music As Comfort

I have asked many groups of caregivers of infants what they do when the whole group gets on a crying jag. Every time, someone says that singing to them helps. It puts something different in the sound environment and the babies tend to quiet themselves to listen.

Holding a young infant close to your chest and singing is often an effective way to comfort a fussy infant. An ...

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