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Caring for the Little Ones - Finding the Time for Curriculum

by Karen Miller
September/October 1997
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/caring-for-the-little-ones-finding-the-time-for-curriculum/5011738/

"I'm so busy with all the caregiving routines that I don't have time to do educational activities with children."

Caregivers often voice the concern that they are not spending the expected time doing "learning activities" with infants and toddlers. With a little redefining and organizing, the issue should become manageable in most situations.

Routines are the base for learning.

Convince yourself, first of all, that your caregiving routines are important educational experiences. What are the critical things infants need to learn in their first years? They need to find out that the world is a dependable place, that their needs will be met, that they are lovable and capable, and that they can communicate with others. You can take comfort that children learn a great deal while engaging in physical care routines. Their minds don't turn off when you feed them.

A child is staring intently into your face, a social activity, while she nurses from her bottle, gaining physical sustenance. But she is also enjoying the close, warm sensation of being nestled against your body, gaining feelings of emotional security and trust. As you talk to her, she is hearing the sounds of your language, and the melody - the intonation - of your ...

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