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Caring for the Little Ones - Don't Interrupt a Busy Baby

by Karen Miller
March/April 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/caring-for-the-little-ones-dont-interrupt-a-busy-baby/5014461/

Eleven-month-old Zachary cruises along a set of homemade 18" high wooden cubes that have the front sides open. The fourth cube has a circle cut out in the top and a round, plastic dishpan sits in this hole. As he reaches this fourth cube, Zachary's hands touch the rim of the dishpan, causing it to wobble.

He stops and looks at the dishpan. He hits it again and notices it move. He hits it harder and it wobbles more. He then looks through the front opening of the cube and hits the dishpan from the underneath. Again! Next time he hits it harder, and the dishpan pops out of the hole and falls on the floor. He stoops down, picks up the dishpan, and slams it back into the hole. He pops it out again and repeats the sequence, six times. Then he looks around and starts putting other objects and toys through the hole, seeing what fits through and what doesn't.

This exploration went on for over 20 minutes. While I observed, I was very grateful that the caregiver didn't come over to involve Zachary in some learning activity. What this child was learning was fascinating to him. He could develop his ...

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