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Caring for the Little Ones - Be Good

by Karen Miller
January/February 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/caring-for-the-little-ones-be-good/5013726/

What do parents mean when they say "Be good" when they part from their child in the morning? Whether the child is six months old or 24 months old, they do not really understand what is being said.

When a parent says it to a baby, she might really be directing the thought to the caregiver, "I hope my baby won't cause you too much trouble today, and that you will love my child and treat her well." They might also be subconsciously saying it to the caregiver, "Be good, and take good care of my baby."

Adults tend to describe babies as "good" when they are undemanding. A good baby is one who sleeps through the night and naps on a regular, predictable schedule, is generally happy, and not whiny while awake. Thankfully, it is less common to describe a more unsettled baby as "bad."

The important thing to get across is that a baby isn't bad because he cries or fusses. Infants have a right to the whole range of emotions, just like anyone else, including sadness, fear, and anger. We should simply read their cries straight. This baby is crying. Something is upsetting him. Let's investigate to find out what ...

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