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Can’t We All Just Get Along?

by Jane Humphries and Kari Rains
November/December 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/cant-we-all-just-get-along/5027408/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.


While the dream of an early childhood program may be a place where everyone is relaxed, polite, and works together well, in reality, we are human. Working with children in an early learning environment can be stressful, exhausting, and difficult. Conflict is bound to happen when those dedicated to educating young children spend many hours and energy in the same program. 

Workplace relationships are key to a healthy organization. Whether a program is large or small, people are still interacting, resulting in flourishing relationships or frequent clashes due to differences in personality, age, culture, and work style. 

If the adults in an early childhood environment do not get along, how can they expect this from the children? 

The leader of a program strives to serve as the balance between all relationships. This includes being mindful of their actions and modeling conflict resolution techniques that work. 

We will investigate how two early childhood program leaders, Taisha and Meredith navigated issues to resolve conflict in healthy ways. Throughout their stories, learn more about the strategies and practical solutions utilized to address and calm issues in a productive fashion. Let’s meet our program directors/administrators.

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