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Can't Make 'Em Do It: Sleeping, Eating, Toileting

by Roslyn Duffy
May/June 2008
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/cant-make-em-do-it-sleeping-eating-toileting/5018172/

�" Situation �"

It is naptime and Marcel’s teacher, Svetlana, strokes Marcel’s eyelids in hopes of soothing him to sleep, but every time she stops �" Marcel’s eyes pop open.

Evangeline has spent the past half hour coaxing Magdella to ’just taste’ her salad. Finally, Magdella gives in, accepts a miniscule bit of lettuce, gags, and then spits it out.

Harold’s son, Matthew, is the only child in his toddler class still in diapers. Tonight, Matthew sat on his potty through three readings of Curious George, without results. As soon as the Pull-Ups® were back on, an all too-familiar odor became evident. Harold got out a new diaper.

�" Solution �"

Sleeping, eating, and toileting battles frustrate most adults. Why? It’s simple �" we can’t make ‘em do it. Falling asleep (or not) is within a child’s control. The same is true for chewing and swallowing, or withholding and releasing urine and feces. Sleeping, Eating, and Toileting (S.E.T.) create lots of UPSET!

An exhausted adult wants her child to SLEEP! An anxious parent expects her child to EAT! And most adults are prepared to ELIMINATE diapers, long before children are.

What can be done? Lots, actually. First, we need cooperation �" but that may take an ...

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