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Building Spaces, Finding Words - Creating the Context for Positive Discipline

by Marjorie J. Kostelnik
September/October 1992
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/building-spaces-finding-words-creating-the-context-for-positive-discipline/5008734/

The children are sitting in a circle. Having spent much of the morning creating a fire truck with the large hollow blocks, they are now talking about the rules that should govern its use. Their discussion has been prompted by some children's desire that "kids play fair" and by other children's concern that their vehicle "not get wrecked." Assisted by the teacher, the conversation lasts several minutes. After much debate, three rules are agreed upon: two drivers at a time; tell the drivers when you want a turn; no jumping on the steering wheel.

These children have just engaged in a fundamental aspect of community living - figuring out rules to regulate human behavior. Rules like these are guides that help people get along safely and harmoniously. Although no code of behavior is universal, all cultures and settings create rules participants must follow if they are to remain in good standing with the group.

Traditionally, it is the adults in the setting who help children learn the difference between acceptable and unacceptable conduct. They teach children socially desirable acts like sharing, answering politely, and working cooperatively with others. Additionally, they help children learn to ...

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