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Building Self-Esteem: Training Teachers of Infants and Toddlers

by Margie Carter
July/August 1993
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/building-self-esteem-training-teachers-of-infants-and-toddlers/5009259/

Last year I gave a new assignment to my community college early childhood education students, many of whom were already working in child care jobs. Inter-view ten people who don't know much about your job and ask them what they think a child care worker does. You might guess the responses they got.

"Oh, you get to play with kids all day."

"You make sure they don't run out in the street and have accidents and such."

"You have to feed them and toilet them and make sure they stay out of trouble."

"You keep them busy all day so they don't miss their moms."

"Do you babysit at night, too, when their parents go out?"

Student reactions to these kinds of comments ranged from shrugged shoulders and lowered eyes to obvious irritation and indignation. In the face of general public lack of awareness and undervaluing of child care work, most providers struggle with a sense of themselves as professionals. This is especially poignant for those who work with infants and toddlers. The multiple demands and responsibilities of caring for these age groups are as emotionally and physically draining as any job can be. And, when you spend the bulk of ...

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