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Building Enrollment in Summer Programs

by Exchange Panel of 200
March/April 1994
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/building-enrollment-in-summer-programs/5009635/

In a recent Child Care Information Exchange survey, center directors identified slumping summer enrollments as one of their major frustrations. Here are some suggestions we have received from Exchange Panel of 200 members:

This has always been a problem since so many people go away for the summer (many of our parents and teachers are off). Therefore, we started publishing our themes and programming in April; we build up enthusiasm so they all want to be a part of what's happening. We also plan special events like reptile or marionette shows, plus have the librarian or fire department visit - just like the rest of the year except we hype it up more. - Marla Osband, B'Nai Tikvah Nursery School and Kindergarten, Los Angeles, California

Nothing is as effective in building enrollment as your reputation for good programming and responsiveness to parents' needs. All the advertising you can afford won't change the community's perception of your program if the kids and parents who use it are complaining about how disorganized, unfriendly, or incompetent it is! Affordable rates also help: we use our United Way allocation to subsidize the total cost for everyone at $75 a week ...

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