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Brown Girl, Black Girl, What do you See?

by Mismiki Montgomery
January/February 2021
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/brown-girl-black-girl-what-do-you-see/5025706/

Following the 2020 election, I came across a Facebook photo of a toddler in a pink dress, with neatly parted afro puffs, staring at a flatscreen while Kamala Harris, resplendent in a white silk suit, delivered her victory speech. The image of that toddler not only captured the innocence of a little Brown girl witnessing history, it also showed the glow in Kamala’s smile, and the joy in her eyes as she peered into the crowd and noticed the newly ablaze fire that she lit on the path in front of her.

I immediately “liked” it.

Another image I saw, within the same climactic 24 hours, was a portrait by Bria Goelle, in which the new vice president-elect walked confidently in high heels, dressed in a smart-looking blue pantsuit. She had a look of determination on her face, clutching her matching purse and marching purposefully forward. However, instead of Kamala’s own shadow accompanying her, her reflection was a smaller shadow of a little girl in pigtail twists, with a button nose and a big, sash bow sitting atop the back of her waist—arguably the most iconic little Brown girl in American history, Ruby Bridges.

“Wow, this is powerful,” I thought ...

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