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Bonding with Your Babies

by Alice S. Honig, PhD
July/August 1993
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/bonding-with-your-babies/5009250/

An infant/toddler caregiver has a great many practical tasks to master. Scrupulous health care practices, diapering, preparing formula or baby food for each individual infant - such expertise forms the core of caregiver competence. But beyond such fundamental physical lore lies the emotional wisdom needed to bond with and relate to each unique little person.

Babies flourish with loving caregivers. So the first and foremost emotional neediness of a baby is for YOU to become intimately engaged with the baby. Sure you will hold and cuddle. Sure you will respond to infant distress. But the essence of quality infant caregiving lies in the emotional bond you forge with each infant.

Unlike adults, babies happily cope if they have more than one love partner in the duet of caring! Not only parents and grandparents but child care personnel can serve as intimate partners in babies' lives. Finding your way to create a love affair with each infant will take emotional skillfulness and a willingness to become a pleasuring and pleasured partner.

Research has shown that early bonding facilitates babies' development of secure attachment. Toddlers who are securely attached as babies later show ...

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