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Beyond the Bitter Breakup

by Roslyn Duffy
January/February 2008
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/beyond-the-bitter-breakup/5017968/

�" Situation �"

At a recent wedding I watched two friends begin a new life together, their vows joining not only them, but also their children from previous relationships.

The two little girls dancing around the bride and groom resembled dainty dabs of whipped cream �" the groom’s daughter, her blonde hair held high in a ponytail and the bride’s daughter, with a mass of springy curls contained by flowered bows. Then, the couple reached down and joined hands with the two girls, drawing together this newly formed family.

But another standout part of this day was watching the bride’s parents, whose long-ago divorce had been so bitter.

As the rhythms of the music increased, the bride’s parents joined hands with the other guests to form a large circle of pounding feet, dancing around the room in celebration of their daughter’s wedding day.

�" Solution �"

Intentional Living

As those dancers swirled across the polished wooden floorboards, I remembered previous, more painful times. Accusations of infidelity, single parenting struggles and the suffering endured during those break-up years. Yet today, as they danced at her wedding, these parents had been able to put aside being enemy-exes, to be first and foremost �" loving parents.

So much ...

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