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Bettering Your Odds of Not Getting Sued

by Abby J. Cohen
September/October 1998
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/bettering-your-odds-of-not-getting-sued/5012374/

Suits by Parents for Injuries to a Child

A lawsuit by parents for the death or injury to a child in care is almost always the greatest concern of every center, and this is as it should be. The range in nature and severity of possible injuries is vast. Real-life examples range from failing to supervise a child who falls from a climbing structure and breaks an arm to leaving a child in a van during hot weather resulting in death.

Lawsuits like these are to be avoided not only for the obvious reason of maintaining the well-being of children in care. They are also to be avoided because lawsuits resulting from injuries to a child can be won sometimes even when you are in the right, as a consequence of the sympathy they engender. They also can cost you your ability to keep running a successful operation.

Verdicts can be large, insurance may be inadequate or unavailable (if the injury was the result of an intentional act), and center reputations may be irreparably damaged.

There are a variety of ways to minimize the chances that a lawsuit of this nature will be filed.

First and foremost, center administrators and staff must promote open, trusting, ...

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