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Becoming a Director: Lessons Learned

by Beth Engelhardt
November/December 2006
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/becoming-a-director-lessons-learned/5017218/

As I reflect on my early childhood career, I remember my first time as a director. Moving from a teaching position into administration was not a smooth transition. The jobs are very different: different tasks and responsibilities. When I began directing I had no idea what I was doing: although I acted as if I did. It was my secretary, Dolores, who taught me how to do my job.

Dolores taught me a great deal about running a company. You see, child care centers are businesses, after all. Our days are filled with the many tasks of running a business. In my case, Dolores would type my correspondence and then give it to me for my signature. I would fold the letter and put it in the envelope. Dolores would tell me that folding the letters was her job. That seems rather insignificant, but that conversation with Dolores was the beginning of my understanding of my job.

She helped me to realize that I needed to devote my energy to leadership and running the organization, not on the clerical tasks that were her responsibilities. Over time I adopted the belief that if I am in the classroom or elsewhere ...

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