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Bad Language: From Potty Talk to Swearing to Name-Calling — Humor or Hurtful?

by Roslyn Duffy
January/February 2007
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/bad-language-from-potty-talk-to-swearing-to-name-calling--humor-or-hurtful/5017372/

�" Situation �"

From a child’s point of view:

“At first all I had to do was coo, gurgle, or cry and I got fed, changed, or held. Then my coos changed into ‘Mama’, or “Dada’ or ‘Gamma’ and something great happened. My sounds had magical powers. When my Mama’s and Dada’s turned into, ‘NO’s, I wondered if words could get any better? Well, as a matter of fact �" YES!

“It wasn’t long after my ‘NO’ period had begun that people started paying attention to what came out of my other end. When I left a little something in the potty one morning, magic seemed to be pouring out of me �" from both ends!

“But now I’ve discovered even better magic! Watch what happens when I say ‘POOPY’!”

Note: At this point our narration must end for our protagonist is convulsing on the floor in a fit of giggles.

�" Solution �"

Potty Humor

Sounds and the words they form usher in a true source of magic for children. Words hold power and the world reacts �" sometimes in spectacular fashion. One mom said, “If you want to make my Abdu happy, just say ‘butt’.” Children love potty words. To them these words are high (or maybe, ...

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