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Back to (Pre)School!

by Eric Karolak
September/October 2015
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/back-to-preschool!/5022592/

In grade school, I learned Pluto was a planet. There were nine planets then, and it was the tiny one farthest from the sun. Now, I’m told, there are eight planets and Pluto hasn’t been included in the list for about a decade; a good reminder that periodically you have to touch up on what you know, question your view of the universe, so to speak.

This summer, Congress moved closer to ‘touching up’ the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the nation’s flagship K-12 law. First enacted in 1965, it was last revised in 2002. That year, then-President George W. Bush and Senate Majority Leader Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) found common ground on legislation that became commonly known as the “No Child Left Behind” Act (NCLB). NCLB emphasized accountability and raised the profile of terms like ‘high stakes testing’ and ‘adequate yearly progress.’1

It’s Good to Know a Preschool Teacher

Congress was to review and revise the law again — what it calls ‘reauthorization’ — but it hasn’t had much luck since 2007, about the time Pluto lost its planetary status; that is until this summer.

This past July, the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate both voted ...

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