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Attract, Engage, and Retain Staff

by Caroline Jens
January/February 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/attract-engage-and-retain-staff/5026953/

The workforce landscape in the early childhood industry has been under attack for several years. There is a common sentiment of a hazy fog covering our schools. In this fog, teachers are less engaged and excited about their impact in the classroom. Leaders are burnt out from a revolving wheel of recruiting and staff demands. School owners are tired of competing with other industries to defend the prestige of working at a child care center.

This “fog” is having an effect on our ability to attract, engage, and retain staff. And so, I invite you to take some time to reenergize every aspect of your school and develop an informed strategy to secure growth, fortify revenue, and solve the people crisis. 

Win the Shift: Move from Recruiting to Attracting

“Only 22 percent of organizations have an informed strategy on how to attract, engage, and retain. For the child care industry, this number is actually less at 8 percent” (Wessinger, 2022). In addition to our lack of strategy, we have become more and more desperate to hire, causing us to allocate our resources incorrectly.

“Most companies spend 86 percent of their resources and time on recruiting, yet only 4 percent on engagement and 10 ...

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