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Assessing Your Center to Create a Diverse Staff

by Katherine S. Kolozak
July/August 2004
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/assessing-your-center-to-create-a-diverse-staff/5015855/

Monday morning in the United States marks the beginning of a traditional work week when a large majority of families place their children in child care. Zoom into your typical preschool classroom consisting of 12 children and two staff members. Diversity is represented in the faces and experiences of the children. Johnny comes from your typical nuclear family, Nina is blind in one eye, both Carmen and Kasia are first generation Americans whose parents speak English as a second language, Ally is adopted, Doug’s family consists of two fathers, Lucy’s parents are divorced, Jason is Jewish, Arun is Muslim, Riley comes from a single family home, Jasmine is African-American and Susie’s family receives a third-party subsidy to attend the center. Can the preschool staff weave together the diversity of the children to create a meaningful environment for all children present?

This preschool room is a microcosm of the diversity we all encounter daily. In order for our children to succeed in a diverse society, it is necessary to educate the world’s teachers to embrace, value, and create multi-culturally friendly classrooms. What is valuing diversity? Simply defined, valuing diversity is embracing and incorporating the unique experiences, culture, and life practices of ...

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