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Ask Dr. Sue - Updates: Infectious Diseases, SIDS, HIV/AIDS

by Susan S. Aronson, MD
May/June 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/ask-dr.-sue-updates-infectious-diseases-sids-hiv-aids/5010359/

_ New Concerns about Old Infectious Diseases in Child Care Setttings

Research documents that some infections are greater problems for children in group care. Respiratory illnesses, including middle ear infections, are more common for infants and toddlers in a group setting because they share organisms, have small structures that block up easily, and have little resistance to whatever comes their way. Crowding, poor ventilation, and inadequate hand washing increase respiratory illnesses. These conditions occur often in group care settings.

Gastrointestinal infections such as hepatitis A, giardiasis, and cryptosporidiosis spread by the fecal-oral route. People get these diseases by eating or putting their hands in their mouths after contact with a surface contaminated with the germs from someone else's feces. In 1994, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an alert to physicians about an increased threat from deadly outbreaks of food and water-borne infections. These outbreaks occur when staff and children do not follow routines for hand washing, surface sanitation, and proper storage and cooking of food.

Tuberculosis and pertussis (whooping cough) are on the rise in the United States. Pertussis can be prevented by immunization with the DTP vaccine. Tuberculosis control requires screening ...

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