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Another Growth Year for Employer Child Care

by Roger Neugebauer
September/October 1997
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/another-growth-year-for-employer-child-care/5011713/

For the fifth consecutive year, child care companies reported a significant increase in interest and action by employers. The surging economy, as well as awakening interest in child care by a broader spectrum of America's companies, continues to spur the growth of work site child care.

Once again, growth was led by the top three players - Bright Horizons Children's Centers, Children's Discovery Centers, and CorporateFamily Solutions. These three companies increased the amount of care they provide for employers by nearly 20% in the past 12 months. Together, they now provide 50% more care for employers than do the next 12 companies combined.

As in previous years, it is not possible to declare one of these companies the "leader." With each measure used in ranking - licensed capacity of employer-related centers, number of revenues, centers under contract - a different one of these companies takes the lead.

For other companies serving the employer arena, 1997 was more of a mixed bag. Many companies experienced significant growth in their services for employers. Children's World Learning Centers led all child care companies (including the top three) with a growth rate of 36% in care provided for employers, followed by Childtime Children's ...

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