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Active Learning Through Art

by Leighan Rinker
September/October 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/active-learning-through-art/5013572/

What do we know about how young children learn? We know that children learn best through their five senses, through interacting with concrete materials, through engaging in conversations rather than being lectured to, and through activity. As a matter of fact, we know that the active involvement of the learner is the most important single factor in learning. This is true for all learning, whether a child is learning science, social studies, math, music, or art.

The Value of Art Experiences for Young Children

A well-planned and implemented art program can greatly enhance a child's total learning experience. As he explores his own creativity and uses his imagination artistically, he will develop feelings of confidence, self-esteem, and individuality. As he experiences art through his five senses, his sensory-motor skills improve. As he develops his perceptual skills, he enhances his cognitive development. As the child works collaboratively on a group art project such as a mural, he learns social skills - cooperation, sharing, and appreciation for the ideas of others.

Art is important for art's sake. It provides opportunities to explore various media and to use one's imagination and creativity. Art can also be a vehicle for teaching or reinforcing other subjects. Science lessons can ...

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