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A Watershed Moment

by Eric Karolak
January/February 2015
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-watershed-moment/5022175/

Sometimes in public policy you hear the expression ‘watershed moment’ used to define an important turning point, a ­critical moment that produces profound effects later or after which things are different. Just like in the life of a person, a wedding or the birth of a baby marks a critical juncture.

In a press release issued after the passage of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 2014 in November, Shannon Rudisill, an official in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), saw just such a turning point:

“This new law is a watershed moment in the history of the child care program and will have far-reaching implications for the more than 1.4 million children served by the CCDF program, as well as the children cared for alongside them.”

The law marks the first time the federal child care block grant has been reauthorized since 1996, so there’s no question its passage and the White House signing ceremony are historic events.

Something New

The new CCBDG Act includes major changes in the law. A full summary of the 90-page bill is beyond our scope, but here are a few of the important changes:

A lot of what’s new relates to health and safety ...

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