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A Manner of Speaking

by Bonnie Neugebauer
November/December 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5023296/

Kids’ Camp Road Trip 2016

Take four children, ages six to nine, on a five-day roadtrip and what happens? 

You get it all:

joy • prickliness • amusement • sadness • fear • trust • anticipation • surprise • empathy • confidence • pity • indignation • envy • curiosity • wonder • happiness • anger • weariness • courage • timidity • pride • caution • boldness • patience • anxiety • respect • appreciation • excitement • frustration • tenderness • trepidation • generosity • defiance • disappointment • love 

Mixed in with all the laughter and the tears, the hugs and pouts, there is a renewed and profound awareness of the complexity of the human spirit.

Roger and I belted our beloved grandchildren into a Dodge caravan and headed out one beautiful Saturday morning from Rockport, Massachusetts, west to New Hampshire. In our time together we stayed in a rustic lake cabin, picked wild blueberries and made a pie, sampled honey right from the bees, hiked, swam, picked crabapples with Carol Hillman, tried woodturning with Sam Scherer, slept outdoors, read stories, ran through meadows, and rode on the Swanboats in Boston’s Public Garden — twice. 

Through sharing these experiences, we learned to know each ...

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