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A Manner of Speaking

by Sara Gilliam
September/October 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5023101/

In this column it is my joy and honor to introduce Sara Gilliam, who is taking on the role of Editor-in-Chief of Exchange. Sara and I have been getting to know each other as we work to transition in our roles. She is brilliant and enthusiastic, a skilled writer and an insightful thinker. Inviting her to write this issue’s “Speaking” is my way of letting you get to know her as well. As Founding Editor of Exchange, I will continue to help guide the development of this work and will be Speaking to you again in November. — Bonnie Neugebauer

My husband, John, is the Shecky Greene of the preschool set. When he walks into a classroom, he tells corny jokes and makes up songs and rhymes, and even the shyest children flock around him like eager ducklings. Now solidly ensconced in middle age, he’s noted repeatedly that if he could revisit his college years, he would have studied early childhood education and become a preschool teacher.

Pre-fatherhood John had no idea how much he enjoyed children. Meantime, as I toiled away in graduate school in my late twenties, kids were the last thing on my mind. In fact, I was consistently surprised when my friends announced with delight ...

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