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A Manner of Speaking

by Bonnie Neugebauer and Roger Neugebauer
May/June 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5022902/

A raised eyebrow? A quizzical expression? This is my favorite hypothesis for the shape of a question mark. Whether true or not, it’s intriguing. I would have proposed the shape of the ear in a theory that would have involved listening as integral to asking a question, but I couldn’t find support for the idea. A week of questions and moments of a profound lack of questions led me to this research. It began with children, as good thinking often does.

• Questions Help Us Think Deeper, Broader, Wider

During a brief visit to her early childhood classroom, Holly Murdoch talked about the children and the work they do together.

“I love it how we can push children’s thinking here. We do it by asking questions.” There were children engaged in building a block castle nearby, so I asked Holly for examples: “I might ask, ‘What else might be in the castle?’ ‘How would people get from this tower to that room?’ ‘How would the people who live in the castle get their food?’ ‘Why do you think that?’” These questions help children consider their ideas and go deeper in their thinking.

• Questions ...

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