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A Manner of Speaking

by Bonnie Neugebauer
March/April 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5022896/

"Is there a book you would like to look for at the bookstore?” Granddaughter Caroline, age 5, quickly responded, “I need a journal." And so it was that we purchased a pink journal, just like mine, for Caroline. And when we returned home, we sat side by side to write in our journals. We talked through our day, chose the events to highlight, and wrote exactly the same things, as I spelled out each word and we penciled in unison. Our entries went like this:

We woke up.
We had breakfast.
We packed up.
We drove to Lewes.
We collected rocks on the beach.
We had ice cream.

Six months later we decided to write in our journals once again. Side by side, pink journals, favorite pens in hand. This time we talked about the day and then each of us wrote our own entry. Caroline asked how to spell a word from time to time, but mostly she was fine doing her own thing. After the park and the smattering of snow, we had had cocoa, and we both thought that deserved noting. “Cocoa!” exclaimed Caroline with confidence and pride, “I know how to ...

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