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A Manner of Speaking

by Bonnie Neugebauer
November/December 2013
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5021404/

You might remember the scene on the cover of our last issue �" two young boys engaged in animated conversation at the snack table, another child focused on snack, and another on me (stranger with camera), and way off in the corner an intense conversation between teacher and child. It is perfect that this moment was captured to represent London Bridge Child Care Services, because in my day with the children and staff there, this is what I witnessed:

Morning meeting time for the four-year-old children. They are continuing their enjoyment of Jack and Annie and the Magic Tree House by Mary Pope Osborne (a chapter book that they read aloud at naptime), which serves as the foundation for their discussions. This series has been chosen because the characters overcome challenges interesting to the children. Their discussions focus on challenges with no reasonable answer. Examples of the questions they have been considering include:

How do you stop being a statue?
How do you turn into a duck?
How do you bring a stone to life?
How do you make metal soft?

Today the question under consideration is: How do you stand on water?

The children have created drawings to illustrate their theories. One by one children are ...

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