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A Manner of Speaking

by Bonnie Neugebauer
September/October 2013
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5021304/

Three fabricated monoliths dominate the playground at Grass Lawn Park. Jonah (age 3.5) studied them as we ate our picnic lunch, and as soon as we were finished he headed over to check them out. He traversed from rock to rock, fitting his toes and fingers into some of the ­crevices, but quickly flopping his arms down and shaking his head, sometimes giving a little kick, and walking away, “Too scary,” he said over and over again. “Too scary.”

“Are you going to climb one of the rocks?” I asked.

“They’re too scary; I can’t do it.”

A short while later, Schon (age 5) left her water play in the fountains and joined us. With great care and confidence she climbed to the top of the 8-foot rock, and posed happily on the summit. That was all Jonah needed �" he had watched her very carefully, studying where she placed her fingers and toes. Slowly, calmly, with just a bit of uncertainty, he made his way to the top to join Schon. They surveyed the world in shared happiness.

And then Jonah just sat there. With his chin in his hand he thought �" and he thought.

“Okay, Jonah, ...

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