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A Case for a Comprehensive System for Family Engagement: Bridging Research and Practice

by Teresa S. McKay
January/February 2022
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-case-for-a-comprehensive-system-for-family-engagement-bridging-research-and-practice/5026390/

*Figure 1 can be found in the pdf version of this article.

Bridging Research and Practice 

The Bridging Research and Practice feature includes an article on an aspect of early childhood research, plus links to the original published research with a companion article full of practical strategies for how to implement the research in your practice.

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We have all said it at one time or another.

“Why will our families not participate in the activities we provide? Why can we not get them involved?”

This question has plagued early educators for decades, yet there is a disconnect from what research supports and effective family engagement. Research supports the need for and benefits of systematic engagement of families in early education programs. According to Epstein and Sheldon (2016), programs must use research-based practices to create and implement a meaningful delivery system for engagement. Current research also indicates the level of family interest in engaging with their child’s education has grown by 10 percent over the last three decades (Koralek, Nemeth, & Ramsey, 2019).

What Does Engagement ...

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