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30 Ways to Build Your Center's Enrollment

by Ideas from Exchange Panel of 100 Members
May/June 1991
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/30-ways-to-build-your-centers-enrollment/5007905/

Editor's Note: Most of the ideas that follow were contributed by members of the Exchange Panel of 100. However, many were shared by other center directors and owners in Directors' Network conferences. I thank all of those who so willingly divulged their business secrets, and apologize to those whose names I cannot remember. RN

Stimulating Word of Mouth

Word of mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Exchange Panel of 100 members report that from 70% to 90% of a center's enrollment may result from word-of-mouth referrals. Therefore, it makes sense to devote considerable energy to motivating parents to spread the word. This means working hard to insure that parents are satisfied with your center and to encourage them to recommend it to others:

Connect on a daily basis. Nothing substitutes for daily communication with parents. This cannot be left to chance. The center needs to take responsibility for insuring that every parent benefits from frequent one-on-one contact. Jane Price, director of Westminster Day Care Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, takes this connecting one step farther. Her goal is to have every child and every parent leave the center with good feelings every ...

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