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10 Time-Saving Tricks of the Trade

by Sarah M. Garrigues
November/December 2011
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/10-time-saving-tricks-of-the-trade/5020261/

Harry Levinson said that a leader must become all things to all men. My experiences as a center director have proven that time and time again. Throughout an average day, directors wear many ‘hats’: teacher, employer, confidante, cook, fundraiser, counselor, disciplinarian, advertiser, substitute, event planner, mentor, accountant, bus driver, playmate, secretary, janitor, and general fire-putter-outer. It is a sheer wonder sometimes that our heads aren’t
spinning. In the mile-long list of things we need to accomplish ASAP, one of the biggest challenges facing administrators is how to organize time effectively. Like many of you, in my first year of directing I found myself doing more busywork than actual work. These are the ten strategies that revolutionized my daily routine.

1. Compile a ‘To Do’ List

Without direction, my natural inclination is to begin on the first task I visibly see before me. After starting, it is all too easy to be sidetracked. A ‘To Do’ list can give you the focus needed to accomplish those more essential tasks.

• Each Monday, create a set of goals for the week.

• At the start of every morning, review your weekly goals and the day’s calendar for any prior engagements.

• Be ...

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