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I am about to share with you pages from two months of my diary. I'm not convinced, however, that you haven't already seem them (or lived them) in your own diaries and daily lives. Every director of a child care center has had days like those I am about to describe. The purpose of sharing these events is to remind you that you're not alone, that things could be worse, and, most importantly, YOU GOTTA LAUGH.You must detach yourself from the moment-to-moment crises to gain perspective. Nothing that I am about to reveal is actually funny. There are children and families and employees affected by the chaos. But for your own sanity and survival, I urge levity now and then.
My experience as a child care center director was somewhat unique because I had never worked in a child care program before. I had been following child care policy in Washington, which provided a brand of humor all its own, but it was totally detached.
I finally saw and felt the impact, both positive and negative, of the decisions made within the hallowed halls of Congress and Humpreyed halls of HEW. I ...