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What to Expect When Staff Is Expecting - Developing a Pregnancy Plan

by Lisa Peterangelo
May/June 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/what-to-expect-when-staff-is-expecting-developing-a-pregnancy-plan/5014576/

Tina enters my office first thing Monday morning. Before the door has shut behind her she exclaims, "Tom and I are pregnant!" I respond with a hearty "congratulations" and a hug. She and her husband had been trying to conceive for two years and were starting to talk about alternative methods such as fertility drugs and adoption. This revelation is wonderful news. However, this experience will require careful planning in order to minimize the effect it has on the center.

Having a member of a child care staff become pregnant brings new issues into the everyday workings of a center. Certainly, the excitement of watching a colleague go through the prenatal process unifies a staff. Showers are planned, possible names are discussed, and everyone wants to feel the baby kick. In addition, however, within the child care context, a staff member's pregnancy brings with it certain concerns that must be addressed in the early stages. Such concerns deal with both the health and welfare of the mother-to-be and her unborn child, and the effect this pregnancy will have on the center. The elements of a healthy and happy pregnancy experience at a child care center include communication and flexibility between the expecting ...

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