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Dead power is everywhere among us - in the forest, chopping down the songs, at night in the industrial landscape, wasting and stiffening the new life; in the streets of the city, throwing away the day. We wanted something different for our people: not to find ourselves an old, reactionary republic, full of ghost fears, the fears of death and the fears of birth. We want something else.- Muriel Rukeyser
The Life of Poetry
_ A close friend disclosed her fear of domestic violence at home.
_ A 12 year old boy in my state was convicted of killing a migrant worker who had a makeshift camp by the Columbia River.
_ Two teens were shot by a classmate in the cafeteria of my neighborhood high school.
_ A right-to-bear arms group announced a Martin Luther King Day demonstration to protest that gun-control legislation denies their civil rights.
_ Bill Moyers aired a two part, four hour PBS special - "What Can We Do About Violence?" - with tragic stories and inspiring community action projects.
_ Hundreds of Bombay residents hurled their TV sets out the window in a protest against violence and sex on television in India.
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