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Water, Water Everywhere

by Rusty Keeler
July/August 2009
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/water-water-everywhere/5018880/

Water, water everywhere but not a drop to play with? Nonsense! We all know that children love water. It splishes, it splashes, and it’s always changing and reacting to children’s experiments. I don’t need to tell you: you already know how great water play is for children. You see the wonder of water tables everyday in your classrooms. But how do you get water outside on the playscape? Isn’t it against health regulations? Even against the law?? Ha! It turns out that there are many ways of safely adding water to your playscape that fully comply with health and safety regulations (and are still fun for children).

In recent years health concerns have prompted regulations to help keep children safe from dangerous hazards on the playscape. One such hazard is standing water. Not good. But that doesn’t equate to “no water” (as some overzealous licensors or inspectors sometime mistakenly say); it just means that you can’t have pools of water on the playscape. Easy solution: don’t let the water stand! Let it flow!

Centers and family child care programs all over are creatively adding water to their yards. Some people are adding re-circulating fountains to their playscapes with fresh water added ...

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