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Families are more diverse than ever. Adding to this diversity are the families who are increasingly enrolling their young children who are twins, triplets, and quadruplets into early education programs. Professionals encourage partnerships with families by valuing every individual child. Acknowledging and meeting the unique needs of families with multiple-birth children enhances family partnerships and early school experiences.Forty-four pairs of twins, six sets of triplets, and one group of quadruplets were identified by the teachers attending our workshop. One teacher added, “I have five pairs of twins currently enrolled and that represents 10 percent of my school capacity.” Without hesitation we replied, “We are not surprised.” The population of twins and other multiples has increased by 70 percent since 1980. Triplets saw a 400 percent growth between 1980 and 1990 with a peak in 1999 (Martin et al., 2007).
We urged those in attendance not to panic when parents of twins, triplets, and maybe even quadruplets or quintuplets walk into the school office. Your school is in for a treat as you observe the unique dynamics of the multiple-birth children in your learning environment.
Multiple-Birth Children: Who are They?
Multiple-birth children is an inclusive reference that identifies twins, triplets, ...