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One reason the burn out rate for child care directors is so high is that, after having mastered the skills required to be a director, there is often nowhere a director can advance professionally in this field on the basis of those skills. One way for directors and teachers to find fresh stimulation within the field is to share their expertise with others through writing. This article will share the insights of editors and writers on the joys and sorrows likely to be experienced by child care professionals in their quest to get published. For those who conclude that the joys outweigh the sorrows, it will also share some "how to" ideas.The Rewards and the Realities
"One piece of advice I always give to people who tell me they want to write a book," related Gryphon House's Larry Rood, "is to take a long, cold shower. If they still want to write after they come out, then the shower wasn't long enough." This chilling advice underscores two undeniable realities of the quest to break into print: it can be full of frustrations and it is seldom financially rewarding.
Before delving into these harsh realities, one should hasten to add that considerable rewards ...