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Tackling Turnover

by Kristine Greer
May/June 2011
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/tackling-turnover/5019924/

“People who are optimistic see a failure as due to something that can be changed so that they can succeed the next time around, while pessimists take the blame for the failure, ascribing it to some characteristic they are helpless to change.”
�" Daniel Goleman

Mayfield Child Development Center is a large child care center in Colorado that is beginning its 20th year of operation. It has three preschool classrooms �" with two teachers and 15 children in each of the classrooms �" and one toddler classroom with four teachers and 16 children. The director, Suzanne, has been at the center for two years and is concerned because she needs to hire three new teachers before school starts:

• Sari, the lead teacher in the toddler room (a single mom, with two children) left because she was unable to pay for her private health insurance with the salary she received from the center.
• James, a preschool teacher who had been with the center for five years, left because of a philosophical difference he had with Suzanne.
• Rita, another preschool teacher, left when she could no longer deal with the behavior of a child in her classroom.
• Suzanne knows that she has to ...

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