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So let's say you're in a room packed tighter than the 7th Avenue IRT, sweat soaking by the gallons into the only clean outfit you have left for the last two days of the Kansas AEYC Conference, as Richard Scofield orates on and on about "School Age Child Care: Ideas from Pakistan," and you say to yourself, "I could do that. I could be a world famous conference speaker. If only someone would publish a sure fire guide on how to do it."Well, is this your lucky day. Follow my sure fire six step approach to successful public speaking and not only will you get to wear a blue ribbon on your name tag but, if you're a big hit, you will be invited to places like Peoria, Des Moines, and Chattanooga to speak on "Finding Substitutes at 6 AM: Ideas from Pakistan."
Step #1-Making the Cut
As Lilian Katz once said, "90% of success is just getting on the program." Two points are critical here. First, pick a nutsy-boltsy topic. While "Piaget's Theory of Seriation" may inspire you, "25 Ways to Keep the Buggers Down at Nap Time" will get you on the program. ...