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More Purposeful and Intentional Infant and Toddler Care

by Pam Schiller
November/December 2007
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/more-purposeful-and-intentional-infant-and-toddler-care/5017810/

Nine-month-old Audrey stirs from her nap. As Ms. Rose passes Audrey’s crib while she is on her way to place Evan in his crib for his nap, she says to Audrey, “Hi, Audrey, I will be there to get you in just a minute.” Ms. Rose gives Evan a hug and says, “Sleep well, Evan. We’ll see you when you wake up.” Evan starts to fuss. Ms. Rose pats him on his back and says again, “We’ll see you when you wake up.”

Ms. Rose leaves Evan, who is still fussing just a little, walks over to Audrey, smiles at her and says, “You had a long nap. I think you are ready to play for awhile.” As she lifts Audrey from her crib, she gives her a hug and begins singing softly.

You’re not sleeping.
You’re not sleeping.
You’re awake.
You’re awake.
Now it’s time for playing.
Now it’s time for playing.
Audrey’s awake.
Audrey’s awake.

Ms. Rose walks to the changing table and begins to change Audrey’s diaper. “Let’s get you a dry diaper. Did you have a good nap?” Audrey starts to babble, “ma-ma-ma-ma.” Ms. Rose waits for a break and then interjects. “Listen to you talk! Are you telling me about your dreams?”

Audrey hears laughter across ...

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