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It was a brilliant summer day on the sandy white shores of Lake Michigan as I played with my granddaughter. I felt the warm sun peek from behind the billowy, marshmallow clouds, and watched the gentle breeze make Sierra’s curly blond hair dance around her bonnet. We were playing the age-old seashore toddler game of fill and dump. Each time we filled the bucket with sand, the teacher in me would declare “full” �" and each time Sierra dumped the contents of the bucket, I would announce “empty.” Fill and dump �" grandma makes announcement. . . . Fill and dump �" grandma makes announcement. . . . Fill and dump �" grandma makes announcement . . . until at last Sierra played a trick on me. She intentionally emptied half of the sand from the bucket. And, then looked up at me with her crystal blue eyes sparkling with humor and passion, and giggled.Children are born with an inherent sense of passion for life as evidenced by a newborn entering the world with a loud wail, or a toddler’s declaration of “Mine!” They are born with innate capabilities to navigate their world and a passionate desire to figure ...