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The past several years have brought about an explosion of interest in brain research. We are seeing a profuse number of workshops, conferences, and speeches being delivered on the topic. We are seeing both popular and educational journals devoting entire issues on the topic (Time, February 3, 1997; Newsweek, February 19, 1996, Spring/Summer 1997; Educational Leadership, November 1998). We can now walk into bookstores and find rows and rows of books on the topic.With all the information on current brain research being delivered through a multitude of resources, many programs have come to the realization that if we apply what we know about how the brain develops in young children, we can optimize their educational experiences. What is not easy, however, is to take the information we have read, heard, and been trained on and implement it into our classrooms. Or, we do implement what we have learned, but we do not really know if this curricular or instructional innovation is working the way it should. How do you really know if your program measures up to being brain compatible? The only way to really know is to evaluate your program.
_ What is evaluation?
In discussing evaluation in early childhood education, ...