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A six year old boy, asked what he had learned this past year, replied, "I've learned that you can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk."Most of us remember being encouraged or being told to eat something low on our priority list. For Jimmy, it was liver and, unfortunately for Jimmy, it was a time when liver was in. To be "nutritionally appropriate," his center served liver once every week. This posed a problem for Jimmy. If he didn't eat the liver, he wouldn't get dessert. Dessert was high on Jimmy's priority list. He didn't try to hide the liver in a glass of milk; and he might even have been successful in what he did, IF his mother hadn't told his teacher that when she did the wash, she found a wad of liver in one of Jimmy's jeans pockets. To this day, Jimmy the adult dislikes liver and loves desserts.
Children tell me that their favorite foods include pasta, spaghetti, tacos, hot dogs, hamburgers, beans, rice, cookies, bananas, raw carrots, chips, and ice cream. Parents usually put more emphasis on fruit and vegetables.
It raises the question "Who should decide what a child eats?" If eating for health ...