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Exchange invited some of the leading trend watchers in the arena of director training to share their insights on the current state and future directions in this country. Here are their insights:Where is most director training now taking place?
Jorde Bloom: I don’t think there has been a major expansion of director training in higher education in terms of degree programs, but there certainly has been an expansion of professional development initiatives targeted for directors that are being sponsored by Head Start grantee agencies, state CCR&R systems, and local funding collaboratives. For example, Austin, Texas, has an active funding collaborative that includes five or six partners (the United Way, Austin Community College, a local workforce development nonprofit, etc.). We have been working with that group and about a dozen other groups across the country that are implementing part or all of our Taking Charge of Change leadership training. Most of these places don’t have the resources to develop the materials from scratch so our TCC Train-the-Trainer model is well-suited for their needs.
Vinci: For 20 years the Advanced Management Institute (AMI) at UCLA Anderson School of Management with generous support from Johnson & Johnson has been providing training for ...