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Challenging Behavior — Step-By-Step Sifting: Part 4 — Critical Needs

by Roslyn Duffy
May/June 2010
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/challenging-behavior--step-by-step-sifting-part-4--critical-needs/5019374/

�" Situation �"

Elena is sitting at the side of the room kicking at a nearby chair and making popping noises with her mouth. The rest of the children are at story circle, but Elena was sent to the time-out chair for being disruptive. It is difficult to ignore her continued noises.

What causes challenging behavior and what can we do about it? That is a basic question parents and caregivers face everyday. Some needs are easy to meet, others take more work, and some require outside help. This is the fourth and final segment of a multi-part series about dealing with Challenging Behavior, both at home and school:

• Part 1 �" Conditional Sifting (January/February 2010) �" examined the conditions that might influence a child’s behavior.
• Part 2 �" Behavioral: Child (January/February, 2010) �" focused on the child’s behavior related to age, development, and skills; the messages a child’s behavior may be sending about her beliefs, as well as the way perspective is influenced by birth order and temperament.
• Part 3 �" Behavioral: Adult (January/February, 2010) �" examined adult Attitudes and Generalized Expectations, as well as adult styles of Discipline and Skills or effectiveness as measured by Consistency and Follow-Through. ...

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